Global Soil Restoration Network (2022)

Global Soil Restoration Network utilizes the permaculture ethics (earth care, people care, and fair share) to implement mycelial-like cooperation in the research and regeneration of soil. Our partners are twelve organizations with urban, rural, and tribal constituencies. We have formed partnerships in the regeneration of soils and communities.

The Pandemic has led to widespread death, disruption of global and local supply chains, including food supply chains. The war in Ukraine is decreasing wheat production needed in North and Central Africa and the Middle East.

More generally, monoculture creates global commodity prices that are volatile and endanger farmers, more so given Covid related disruption to supply chains.

Permaculture and our particular project are steps toward local food production. It is also a move toward poly-cultural perennial food systems and regenerating topsoil. Local food production has shorter supply chains, does not face global commodity prices, and hopefully higher productivity per acre and less use of nitrates.

Perhaps most importantly global regeneration of the soil will sequester the carbon dioxide required to blunt climate change, store water and strongly increase the productivity of our soils. All this helps local communities around the globe. Given climate change, increased local food production will be important.

Read our project outline here: Global Soil Restoration Network


Johnson-Su Biocompost


Santa Fe Orchards (2021)