Earth Guardians Santa Fe (2019)

In 2019 we met Xiuhtezcatl Martinez at the Bioneers Conference. He was encouraging the youth and community to start up local Earth Guardians Crews to train young people to be the leaders in a Regenerative Future. We presented the idea to the youth attending our Survival Skills Mentorships and they took the lead in forming Earth Guardians Santa Fe. Some of the projects that have been co-initiated with the Earth Guardians Santa Fe council meetings are: the Living Seeds Temple, the Johnson-Su Bioreactor Project and our Community Seed Bank.

In 2021 along with the Sovereign People Collective we began conversations on Zoom with a group of young leaders in Africa which lead to the formation of Earth Guardians Benin. Little seeds planted can have global ripples.

Wish List: We’d like to support any developing groups of youth in forming their own Earth Guardians Crews bringing the amazing Earth Guardians Educational Resources into schools, classrooms and groups of youth getting organized for Mother Nature.

Students, Youth and Teachers can contact the Earth Guardians Santa Fe Crew here:


Living Seeds Temple (2020)


Tree of Peace Planting (2019)